Instantly Import Excel Files Into Your Favorite Accounting Software

Move From Excel To Accounting Software

Although Excel is the go-to-software for thousands of businesses around the world, its reliance on spreadsheets is quickly becoming outdated. A spreadsheet done badly can have flow-on effects that can be felt throughout the organization. Here are some of the issues that companies running Excel face.

Why use accounting software instead of Excel?

Excel formulas are complex and prone to error. Accounting software handles all the calculations for you, and does it properly. Excel spreadsheets are susceptible to fraud because it's easy to change information and hard to keep track of who's making the changes, whereas accounting software maintains an audit trail.

The only issue is these Wizards are the only ones who understand how the spreadsheet works. With modern accounting software, that’s no longer the case, as anyone can be taught to use QuickBooks. In fact, the tools and reports available with QuickBooks far outstrip its predecessors. Excel doesn’t integrate with other business applications, which means you can have a lot of data that needs to somehow be passed into an inventory management system or a time sheeting system. This is not only unnecessarily difficult, but may lead to data errors.


There are key factors to take into account to ensure a smooth transition. Before replacing Excel with a cloud Accounting solution, you need a plan that aligns with your financial processes and business goals. When making the move to replace Excel, one of the most important considerations are whether the vendor can demonstrate an actual use case for the platform, said Cochrane.

Move From Excel To Accounting Software

Use the ProperConvert app to convert your transaction files to required by your accounting software file format. Each accounting software listed below imports one or more formats like OFX, QFX, QBO, QIF, CSV files. Scroll down for each format section to see converters converting to this format. But before you dive in head-first, there are a few important things you should know about accounting templates and other accounting software. Integrating spreadsheets with other business applications is a cumbersome process.

How Can You Create a Business Budget in Excel?

Accounting software can easily integrate with different business applications. This makes the whole accounting solutions work smoothly. This puts your financial data, like bank accounts and cash Move From Excel To Accounting Software flow details, at risk. Moreover, to take the safer side, you must keep a backup of all your data at all times. Dedicated software has built-in functionality for various accounting tasks.

Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate.

Which accounting software to use

List your product in the most comprehensive business software listing available. Xero Accounting Training is one of the pioneer companies that provide business solutions along with learning. We provide knowledge and skill enhancement that can help to improve the performance of corporate organizations. Our wide range of business solutions provided for our corporate clients can meet several complex challenges and improve their performance to prosper nicely.

Move From Excel To Accounting Software

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